
What is a crisis? It is change on a large scale, at times progressively unfolding, at other times arising abruptly. A crisis is a moment in one’s life when beliefs, goals, strategies, and one’s identity no longer apply. Old ways no longer serve, but new ones aren’t yet available. This highly fertile transitional state, when mediated by wise guidance, is when growth happens, a process similar to tending to and fertilizing seeds while they germinate in the dark before breaking ground.

Although intellectually aware that change is a constant in life, with maturity––often during crisis––we come to understand it emotionally, and that is when it truly lands. Even though we don’t control reality and its ever unfolding variables, constantly interacting, and generating new variables, we can learn to develop a wise relationship with change such that we become partners––co-creators, really––rather than its victims.

Guided Transformation

My mentoring and guidance work recognizes crisis as new beginnings, “failures” as arrows pointing to unheeded inner truths, and suffering as a deep propulsion toward transformation. Symptoms of such suffering are messengers of unmet needs, which, if understood, point toward resolution.

In cases such as depression, when suffering is persistent, one’s needs have remained unattended for a long time, and remain uncomprehended.

Through curious, compassionate, and wise guidance, clients recognize their unique unmet core needs. In our work together, as we implement new structures to meet those needs, suffering starts abating and is replaced by increasing self-confidence, peace, and a sense of purpose. This approach transitions the client from victim to protagonist in their own life.

I see clients in person in California and in Sao Paulo, and worldwide via Zoom from countries such as India, Panama, England, Samoa, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, and the United States.

I offer a free first consultation to hear your story and to explain my work to you. I offer a sliding scale based on financial necessity, as it’s my desire to offer this work to anyone looking for it, regardless of means.

Please get in touch. I look forward to learning about your very unique journey in life.


Ciro Coelho


“I used to struggle with severe depression. The work with Ciro pulled me out of hell. My life is very different now.”

Russell Horning – Policy & Political Consultant – Los Angeles, California

“Ciro is a uniquely gifted and dynamic guide. I have experienced his guidance during very difficult times, and can truly say he is a fountain of clarity and insight. Through working on his own life challenges and pursuing an astonishing range of studies, he has arrived at a way of mentoring that is deeply informed by the most current thinking on healing, transformation, and finding meaning and purpose in life. I can highly recommend anyone seeking this kind of guidance to reach out to Ciro.”

Dr. Reuben Weininger, MD – Psychiatrist – Santa Barbara, California

“I have never met anyone like Ciro before. He is the most sensitive person I have ever met. By being himself, he gives me permission to be myself. The depth of his speaking is such that he commands people’s attention, and they want to hear what he has to say about them. I feel that when I speak with him, my batteries are recharged and he puts me back on course.”

Dominick Magnan, – CEO, D. Magnan & Co. Inc - New York, NY

“I came to Ciro with a seemingly impossible dynamic I was working with. His insights into that dynamic led to  a significant shift, and energy that had been locked up for lifetimes was freed. I finally have clarity and resourcefulness in an area that had previously eluded me.”

Jennifer Ayres – Ayurveda Practitioner - Santa Barbara, California

Get in touch.

Cell +1.805.637.2230