In my mentoring work, I guide individuals in crisis, in big transitions, or with depression. I recognize crises as new beginnings, “failures” as arrows pointing to unheeded inner truths, and suffering as a deep propulsion toward transformation. Symptoms of such suffering are messengers of unmet needs, which, if understood, point toward resolution.
In cases such as depression, when suffering is persistent, one’s needs have remained unattended for a long time, and remain uncomprehended.
What is a crisis? It is change on a large scale, at times progressively unfolding, at other times arising abruptly. A crisis is a moment in one’s life when beliefs, goals, strategies, and one’s identity no longer apply. Old ways no longer serve, but new ones aren’t yet available. This highly fertile transitional state, when mediated by wise guidance, is when growth happens, a process similar to tending to and fertilizing seeds while they germinate in the dark before breaking ground.

Guided Transformation
Although intellectually aware that change is a constant in life, with maturity––often during crisis––we come to understand it emotionally, and that is when it truly lands. Even though we don’t control reality and its ever-unfolding variables, we can learn to develop a wise relationship with change such that we become partners––co-creators––rather than its victims.
Through curious, compassionate, and wise guidance, clients recognize their unique unmet core needs. In our work together, as we implement new structures to meet those needs, suffering starts abating and is replaced by increasing self-confidence, peace, and a sense of purpose. This approach transitions the client from victim to protagonist in their own life.
I see clients in person in California and in Sao Paulo, and worldwide via Zoom from countries such as India, Panama, England, Samoa, Canada, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, and the United States.
I offer a free 30-minute consultation to hear your story and to explain my work to you.
Please get in touch. I look forward to learning about your very unique journey in life.
Ciro Coelho

“I used to struggle with severe depression. The work with Ciro pulled me out of hell. My life is very different now.”
Russell Horning – Policy & Political Consultant – Los Angeles, California
“Ciro is a uniquely gifted and dynamic guide. I have experienced his guidance during very difficult times, and can truly say he is a fountain of clarity and insight. Through working on his own life challenges and pursuing an astonishing range of studies, he has arrived at a way of mentoring that is deeply informed by the most current thinking on healing, transformation, and finding meaning and purpose in life. I can highly recommend anyone seeking this kind of guidance to reach out to Ciro.”Dr. Reuben Weininger, MD – Psychiatrist – Santa Barbara, California
It is my pleasure to recommend Ciro as an Internal Family Systems Practitioner. I was fortunate to become acquainted with him as we completed our formal IFS training together, and even more fortunate since then to receive his guidance through my own personal work with my parts. He is an exceptional human-being who brings a beautiful presence of wisdom, connection and deep compassion to his IFS practice.Angie Wren - Registered Clinical Counsellor - Canberra, Australia
“I have never met anyone like Ciro before. He is the most sensitive person I have ever met. By being himself, he gives me permission to be myself. The depth of his speaking is such that he commands people’s attention, and they want to hear what he has to say about them. I feel that when I speak with him, my batteries are recharged and he puts me back on course.”
Dominick Magnan, – CEO, D. Magnan & Co. Inc - New York, NY
“Ciro, I am grateful for your affection, kindness, presence, and especially for walking by my side, safely facilitating the recognition and acceptance of my parts. I have walked an exciting path and I am glad I did it with you. You are an excellent IFS therapist!”
Ana Alturas – Psicologist – Lisbon, Portugal
“I came to Ciro with a seemingly impossible dynamic I was working with. His insights into that dynamic led to a significant shift, and energy that had been locked up for lifetimes was freed. I finally have clarity and resourcefulness in an area that had previously eluded me.”Jennifer Ayres – Ayurveda Practitioner - Santa Barbara, California
“Ciro’s commitment to being present and holding space for another person’s process is unlike anything I have ever encountered. Because of his stance of compassion, kindness and curiosity he creates a safe space in which personal insight and healing can blossom. Self-inquiry can at times be severely uncomfortable and there can be a tendency to turn away or find a way to avoid the discomfort. Ciro has gently, steadily and fearlessly, guided me to stay in my process without judgement of right or wrong. This kind and steady attendance has allowed me to make important changes in my life.”T.H. – Teacher - Ojai, California
“Ciro meets and talks with you as if your life - in turmoil or confusion - is in a perfect state, and our interaction is a normal conversation of love and understanding. The capacity to make it so light and to listen for what’s needed, to draw out the concerns, passions and ideas, are the direct reflection of his commitment to you. Ciro is present, with an unwavering ability to focus on the important parts of your world, while expanding your perspective and demonstrating how to give yourself permission to listen to your whole being.“S. M. – Art Director - North Carolina
“Ciro reminds me of Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey with the big questions he asks.
He teaches people to pause, take time, and deeply see.“Sharyn Church – Nonprofit Executive - Los Angeles
“Ciro has a unique understanding of humanity, and is an amazing mentor and guide. Consistently, he establishes trust and a safe space for honesty. He identifies the angst and with his powerful insight offers a healthier alternative, using clarity to direct positive change. I am feeling more gratitude and compassion for self. The time I spend with Ciro is priceless, I am forever indebted.”Kerry C. - Ojai, California
“When I read the book The Five Love Languages, I thought: how lucky were these couples in the book! I found the same luck in the sessions with Ciro. But, unlike what I imagined, my biggest discoveries were about myself. And then I understood how all my experiences impacted my life as a couple. As with everything you learn, mastery comes with daily practice, but I feel on a lighter path and I can already see the blue horizon.”
Paola Novi – Branding Specialist – Ilhabela, Brazil

Frequently Asked Questions
Inward Ride is the name I gave my ninety-seven-day motorcycle road trip sabbatical, which took place between August and November of 2019. At 54 at the time, after a massive breakdown that changed the course of my life, I chose to go on that journey as a pilgrimage of sorts. It allowed me to understand and subsequently consolidate a professional path in a helping career that I had been cultivating for decades. Inward Ride then evolved into the umbrella name for the mentoring work that I offer.
It took me a while to find a title that was suitable for the work I do. I teach life skills, emotional intelligence skills, skills for living with integrity and freedom. I base my work on twenty-five years of interdisciplinary studies in psychology, pragmatic philosophy, neuroscience, mindfulness and meditation, and spirituality, as well as on practices that have allowed me to overcome profound obstacles and limitations in my own life. A mentor models what he/she teaches. I model what I have tried and succeeded in. I use clients’ and personal examples of success in turning obstacles into opportunities. The work is very academically-grounded, but is also very intimate, based on vulnerability and wise self-disclosure. Clients enjoy and trust this teaching format. They often tell me that they enjoy seeing me “walking my talk,” and that makes them trust me even more.
Yes, it is. I offer a first, 30-minute conversation free of charge. Please call or email for pricing.
Yes. Sessions can be held in English, Portuguese, or French.