Hey there, I’m Ciro. I wanted to change everything, so I did.


What would I do if I had been diagnosed with a terminal illness? Or if I won the lottery? In both instances, I would do the same: I would go on a long adventure motorcycle road trip. I would open up to the world. I would face the open road with an open heart. So I decided not to wait…

At Standish-Hickey State Park, where I’ve been for two days, about to cross a bridge over the South Fork of the Eel River. August 2019.

At Standish-Hickey State Park, where I’ve been for two days, about to cross a bridge over the South Fork of the Eel River. August 2019.


Here I will post what I learn during this “end-of-life choice” adventure motorcycle journey that began on August 15th. As Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield says, “Live life as though every day were your last, as one day it will be.”

Please follow my blog and social media channels (links at the top and bottom of this page), where I’m sharing my story and why I have chosen to go on this journey.  Please interact with me along the way and share with others whom you think would appreciate coming along for the ride. Pun intended.

Subscribe below if you’d rather have updates about this journey delivered to your inbox, and be assured that I’ll not share your email. I’m very much looking forward to sharing my journey with you.

With all my love,


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