About Ciro Coelho

Another country, another lifetime

I am a passionate fellow. In 1996, I moved to the United States from Brazil fueled by passion. Passion for a woman, as well as for the possibilities that this country had to offer. It has been here, in the last 23 years, that I have learned the most about life and about myself.

Wahkeena Falls, in Corbett, Oregon, in September 2019. Photo by Christine Maxwell.

Wahkeena Falls, in Corbett, Oregon, in September 2019. Photo by Christine Maxwell.

For over 30 years, I have worked as a professional photographer. You can see samples of my work here: CiroCoelho.com. It all started in my twenties as I apprenticed in Fashion and Advertising, shifted to Photojournalism, and by my late twenties, I was traveling the world over shooting Volleyball–a big sport in Brazil. In my early thirties, after moving to the US, I shot and wrote my own human interest stories and sold them to the Brazilian Media. For the last 17 years, given my passion for big cities and the urban environment, I naturally veered toward Architectural Photography.

Now in my middle age, Nature has made a late appearance. I increasingly need to be in Nature, to the extent that I am going on a solo four-month motorcycle road trip in July and will be nearly only camping. Up to this date (June 24, 2019), I have camped exactly five nights in my entire life. That should give you a sense of the change… For the next four months, I will be doing photographic essays with text about this journey, which I’ll post here and on Inward Ride’s social media feeds.

If I were to boast about one quality, I would pick my ability commit fully. Whatever I choose to devote myself to, I do it fully. And I do it well.

Besides photography, I’ve been drawn to the understanding of the human soul. I have devoted the last 20 years to studying Psychology and Spirituality, in different schools of thought and traditions, which has culminated with a daily practice that allows for a more centered, compassionate and integrated life.

I am kind, generous and highly professional. I am driven when I comes to living in integrity with my deepest values, which are kindness, generosity and contribution. I live for a life in which all are included, respected and cared for.